About Career Linguist

Career Linguist is a place to create opportunities to bring linguistics to the world of work.

Our Mission

We can bring the skills and training we learned from linguistics to research our ways of talking about ourselves professionally, and also the ways that organizations talk about themselves.

Our Values

Encouraging you to approach your career with agency and curiosity, Career Linguist shows the myriad ways that linguists can contribute meaningfully to the world of work.

Our Approach

You were drawn to linguistics as a course of study because you enjoy linguistic analysis, so why not bring this skill to such high-stakes contexts for language use as a job interview? Linguistics trains us to look at language and at social interaction in unique ways, and these “ways of listening” are themselves marketable, but they can also be applied to career search.

an image of hands typing on a type writer for the about career linguist page.

Find Your Stories

We all have choices about what stories we tell and how we tell them. Being more aware of the stories that comprise job searching means paying attention to what stories are told and which aren't.

an image of white headphones on 4 books for the about career linguist page.

Listen to Organizations

Take advantage of the resources provided in educating yourself about careers of potential interest by listening actively to the stories that organizations tell about themselves.

Craft Narratives

The narratives told in interactional moments like job interviews are powerful tools for constructing agency, framing the encounter, and determining successful outcomes.

Uncovering your professional path involves finding, analyzing, and telling stories that are meaningful and memorable

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" Before Career Camp I’d been feeling stuck. I was uncomfortable and unsure about how to interact with LinkedIn. I now feel less stressed and more productive as I explore and apply."

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Participant in Career Camp