an image of a computer and coffee

About This Blog

For many of us, the choice to study linguistics was very clear, but what comes next much less so. This part of the journey can be quite anxiety-provoking and even confusing. You likely have been handed a map for your future that represents someone else’s expectations or you might be handed a map that is inadequate because jobs of today simply didn’t exist five years ago, or because your job doesn’t exist yet. And to compound the confusion: now the ways of finding and being found by employers are now totally different. 


Anna Marie Trester created this blog to think about processes like career education, career exploration, and navigating your career path. If we are in the world of work, we may have been out of touch with other linguists so long that we no longer recognize the professional expressional expression of our knowledge, skills, and abilities as having been shaped by our training. We want to bring the career linguists into conversations with the next generation and to bring those who are just beginning their career paths as linguists into the world of work.

an image of a walk sign which represents the WaLk Series blog.

WaLK Series

The word WaLK stands for What a Linguist Knows. WaLK is a short series where Anna Marie Trester shares resources about some things that she sees as she is out there thinking about professional applications of our skills and  training as linguists. These blogs are designed to be quick. An idea that begets another idea, a question that forges a connection, a request that strengthen a bond. 

an image of people gathered at a table working which represents the WoW Series blog.

Worlds of Work (WoW) Series

In this short series, Anna Marie Trester will pull together resources for jobseekers interested in learning more about a particular industry or sector. Typically, this will involve curating some good sources of job listings, some things that are good to read to keep on to pop industry trends, along with some sources of insights into the culture of this world. 

an image of a computer, coffee, and notepad for a blog.

Guest Bloggers

There are many ways to get involved and join the Career Linguist community. One way is to be a guest blogger!



Would you like to be a guest blogger? Contact Career Linguist


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